Foreign Secretary Videgaray Begins Trip to U.S. to Meet with Dreamers and Federal and State Officials

11 septiembre, 2017 ·

Foreign Secretary Luis Videgaray begins a trip to the United States this Monday to strengthen ties with strategic actors and meet with youths who have benefited from the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Program (DACA). 

The Foreign Secretary will reaffirm the Mexican government’s support for the Dreamers and explain the steps taken by President Enrique Peña Nieto’s administration to provide them with support and protection.  

On Monday, September 11 and Tuesday, September 12, the Foreign Secretary will visit Sacramento and Los Angeles, California, and on Wednesday, September 13 he has meetings scheduled in Washington, D.C.

In California, the Foreign Secretary will hold meetings with state and local authorities, the Speaker of the State Assembly, the President pro Tempore of the State Senate, entrepreneurs, community leaders and immigration lawyers. In the U.S. capital, he will continue the dialogue with federal authorities to evaluate various issues on the bilateral agenda.

In Sacramento, Foreign Secretary Videgaray will meet with Governor Jerry Brown to analyze environmental issues and the treatment of migrants. He will also talk to the Speaker of the California State Assembly, Anthony Rendón, and State Senate President Pro Tempore Kevin de Leon, in addition to other legislators who are members of the Latino Caucus.

He will also hold a meeting with members of the California Chamber of Commerce to assess opportunities for strengthening the bilateral economic ties and encouraging development on both sides of the border. 

At the Mexican consulate in Sacramento, the Foreign Secretary will meet with a group of Dreamers and beneficiaries of the Cien Amigos (100 Friends) IME Scholarship program, which helps young Mexicans with their higher education.  

In Los Angeles, the Foreign Secretary will hold meetings with local authorities and businessmen, and will inaugurate both the Mental Health Program and the job board for migrants and Dreamers at the Mexican consulate.  He will also meet with Hilda Solís, Los Angeles County Supervisor and former Federal Secretary of Labor; with members of the Pacific Council on International Policy; and with prominent business executives, community leaders and advocates for migrant rights.

The trip reaffirms the commitment of the Mexican government to collaborate on political, migration, trade and cultural issues in a comprehensive way and to continue the dialogue with key actors from all levels of government and U.S. society.

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