Mexico Thanks the International Community for Its Support

21 septiembre, 2017 ·

At the 72nd session of the United Nations General Assembly, Heads of State and Government from around the world expressed their support for the people and government of Mexico after the damage caused by the September 19 earthquake.

Foreign Secretary Luis Videgaray addressed the United Nations this morning to thank the international community for its exceptional solidarity with Mexico. 

Aid immediately began to arrive in Mexico, in coordination with the National Civil Protection System and the Mexico City government.

Rescue teams from El Salvador and Panama are already in Mexico, and teams from Ecuador, Honduras and Spain are on the way.

Colombia will send a brigade with specialized equipment for rescue work.

Foreign Secretary Videgaray spoke this morning with Chilean President Michel Bachelet, who offered to send a technical team with UN certification in analyzing collapsed buildings to decide on the best course of action for the rescue teams.

Germany is also about to send qualified technicians, and Argentina, Costa Rica and Peru have expressed their readiness to provide assistance in the next few days.

Foreign Secretary Videgaray said to the UN General Assembly that at this time what is needed is highly-specialized help and heavy machinery in order to act quickly in these first decisive hours.

As instructed by President Enrique Pena Nieto, Dr. Videgaray contacted UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, who offered the technical assistance of the UN agencies to help the Mexican victims. Mark Lowcok, head of the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), identified the countries best able to provide the needed assistance:  Israel, Japan and the United States.

Foreign Secretary Videgaray then personally contacted Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanhayu, Japanese Foreign Minister Taro Kono and White House officials to request their support, consisting of specialized equipment for building collapses, machinery such as circular saws,  high-powered hydraulic jacks and inflatable devices to raise debris.

This aid is expected to arrive in Mexico in the next few hours.  On behalf of the Mexican government, the Foreign Secretary expressed his appreciation for the many personal gestures of support and collaboration he has received during the General Assembly and he reiterated that today Mexico only needs specialized assistance and heavy equipment to help with the rescue efforts.

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