Lima Group Statement on Regional Elections in Venezuela

5 octubre, 2017 ·

The governments of Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay and Peru believe that the upcoming regional gubernatorial elections to be held on October 15 in Venezuela must be held with full respect for the Constitution and Venezuela’s Organic Law of Electoral Processes.

They urge the Venezuelan government and the National Electoral Council to act within the scope of their official functions, with full transparency, impartiality and objectivity, and to guarantee that all candidates can participate freely, including the right to substitute them according to the law, and that the process is carried out with full respect for free, secret, effective and universal votes, with the presence of international observers so that the results truly reflect the popular will and have the necessary legitimacy.

Lastly, they call for the Venezuelan people to be able to exercise their rights as citizens to vote on October 15th in elections that are carried out peacefully and without interference throughout the country.

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