The 2017 Meeting of Mexican Ambassadors and Consuls

9 enero, 2017 ·

The meeting brings together the heads of Mexico’s diplomatic representations abroad to update them on the main issues of domestic politics and the economy, and to discuss the progress made by and challenges facing our country.

The main goal of the meeting is to define the guidelines of the federal government in matters of foreign policy for 2017 and to discuss the priorities involved in continuing to position Mexico as an actor with global responsibility.

The annual meeting of ambassadors and consuls is one of Mexico’s most important foreign policy events. It will be attended by cabinet members, state government officials, legislators, academics and well-known national and international speakers. 

As part of the annual event, regional meetings of the Mexican ambassadors and consuls in Europe and North America have already been held. The Foreign Secretary and the diplomats reviewed the most salient issues relating to both geographic areas and their importance for Mexico.


During the regional meeting for Europe, the Foreign Secretary instructed the diplomats there to strengthen the political dialogue, boost their efforts to promote Mexico’s economic, tourist and cultural advantages, and, in particular, to find new opportunities to increase European trade and investment in Mexico.


Foreign Secretary Videgaray also led the regional meeting for the Asia-Pacific region, where he was accompanied by Undersecretary Carlos de Icaza, and the meeting of the Latin American and Caribbean region, which was attended by Undersecretary Socorro Flores.




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