Press Release

27 agosto, 2017 ·

With regard to this morning’s remarks by the United States President on various issues of the bilateral relationship, the Foreign Ministry states the following:

1. As the Mexican government has repeatedly stated, our country will not pay in any way or under any circumstance for a wall or physical barrier built on United States territory along the border with Mexico. This decision is not part of Mexico’s negotiating strategy, but rather a principle of sovereignty and national dignity. 

2. Regarding the violence in Mexico caused by the illegal trafficking in drugs, weapons and money between our countries, we reiterate that it is a shared problem that will only end if its root causes are addressed: the high demand for drugs in the United States and the supply from Mexico (and other countries). International criminal organizations have caused the deaths of thousands of Mexicans, including members of the Armed Forces and the police, and of thousands of Americans. Only based on the principles of shared responsibility, teamwork and mutual trust can we overcome this challenge. 

3. Mexico’s position at the renegotiating table on the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) will continue to be a responsible and constructive one, while always putting national interest first and seeking an outcome in which all three North American countries win.

 4. Mexico will not negotiate NAFTA or any other aspect of the bilateral relationship on social media or other communications media.

The government of Mexico takes this opportunity to extend its sympathy to the people and government of the United States for the damages caused by Hurricane Harvey in Texas, and reports that we have offered the United States government any help and cooperation that can be provided by the various governmental agencies in Mexico to deal with the consequences of this natural disaster, as good neighbors should always do in times of difficulty.

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