Foreign Secretary Videgaray Visits Los Angeles, California

12 septiembre, 2017 ·

Foreign Secretary Luis Videgaray visited Los Angeles, California today, where he met with community leaders, business executives and civil society organizations to discuss the rescission of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Program (DACA). He emphasized that the Dreamers have an academic profile that enables them to make significant contributions to the economy, culture and society to which they belong.

He said that, should the Dreamers return to Mexico, “at first, it would be a big adjustment for our country, but it would also be of great benefit, because we would be welcoming a group of young people, many of whom have received a university education, who are very capable and have great energy and creativity.  If the Dreamers return, Mexico wins and the United States loses.”

He also spoke about the work being done to help the Mexican community in Los Angeles and described the steps being taken by Mexico’s consular network throughout the United States to promote respect for the rights of Mexico’s citizens, regardless of their immigration status.

He explained that the Mexican consulates in the United States have diversified in order to provide comprehensive services that go beyond the simple issuance of documents, consular protection and legal assistance and representation for our fellow citizens.

For example, the Foreign Secretary inaugurated a Mental Health Module at Mexico’s consulate in Los Angeles, where Mexican citizens will receive caring and quality attention.

“The main goal is to empower Mexicans in the United States and that means contributing to their well-being,” he said.

Foreign Secretary Videgaray said that the 50 Mexican consulates in the United States want to become “trusted places where Mexicans can come to talk and receive professional and objective guidance and assistance, in complete confidentiality.”

The Foreign Ministry also discussed the assistance available to Dreamers who intend to return to Mexico.  The Undersecretary for North America, Carlos Manuel Sada, explained that the assistance consists of a jobs program under the aegis of the Labor Ministry, which will list job openings in the formal economy.

In addition, the Nacional Financiera has launched a special program called Youth Loans for Dreamers in the United States and Mexico, whereby young people between 18 and 35 years of age residing abroad can get loans with preferential rates to enable them to start or keep a business.  

“This program is already available at the 32 of Mexico’s 50 consulates with Financial Advisory Counters. Before the end of the year, every consulate in the United States will have one of these counters,” said the Undersecretary.

While in Los Angeles, the Foreign Secretary met with business leaders at an event hosted by Robert Day, President of Oakmont Corp. to discuss bilateral economic promotion and the importance of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) for the region’s development and prosperity.

Lastly, the Foreign Secretary met with David Dreier, a businessman and politician from California, and Roderic Ai Camp, an academic at Claremont McKenna College, who will be awarded the Mexican Order of the Aztec Eagle today for their valuable contribution to strengthening relations between Mexico and California. This award is given by the Mexican Foreign Ministry to foreigners who have rendered outstanding services to our country.

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