Mexico Won’t Recognize an Independent Catalonia

10 octubre, 2017 ·

During his appearance before the Senate today, Foreign Secretary Luis Videgaray said that Mexico has followed recent events in Catalonia closely and regrets the violence that took place on October 1.

He reiterated the close historical, cultural and economic ties and friendship between Mexico and Spain.

“Spain is a country that is close to Mexico’s heart.  We are united by history as well as by opportunities, now and in the future.  Mexico is Spain’s key partner and friend,” said Dr. Videgaray.

He went on to say that Mexico hopes for unity for Spain, since “violence must never be a way to resolve differences.” He spoke for a peaceful solution via legal means, in which all of the parties involved overcome their differences with full respect for the Spanish Constitution and its State institutions.

Lastly, Foreign Secretary Videgaray said that “if, despite the political dialogue, the Catalan government unilaterally declares independence, the Mexican government will not recognize Catalonia as an independent State, in accordance with international law.”

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