Mexico Continues to Receive Help and Acts of Solidarity from the International Community

27 septiembre, 2017 ·

On behalf of the Mexican government, the Foreign Ministry reiterates its deep gratitude to all of the countries and peoples who have very quickly and opportunely sent aid to our country after the ravages of the recent natural disasters.

On Wednesday, the Canadian government made its first shipment of humanitarian aid consisting of 750 16-square-meter tents and on Thursday, September 28 it will ship another 750 tents for a total of 1,500. In addition, Canada has also donated $100,000 CAD to the Mexican Red Cross for its aid work.  

Today, China sent 1,500 tents and 248 cots, with another 1,500 tents and 252 cots arriving in Mexico on Thursday. 

For its part, the Russian government has given 24.5 tons of canned foods and 64 community tents weighing a total of 10.3 tons, for a total of 34.8 tons of aid for those affected by the earthquake. 

Similarly, the South Korean government donated a million dollars on Wednesday. Added to the USD$1.152 million donated by Korean businesses and associations, this aid adds up to USD$2.152 million. 

In addition, Bolivia has offered 10 tons of humanitarian aid and Argentina, 4.2 tons, which will be arriving soon. 

In the past few days, Venezuela has donated 10.6 tons of aid to Mexico, including water, canned food, tools and specialized equipment. Turkey has sent 50 packages of sanitary supplies. 

The United States had already sent Mexico 80 tons of medical supplies, water and canned food, while Ecuador sent 13 tons of non-perishable foods and basic necessities, in addition to 350 sleeping kits. 

In total, Mexico has received more than 440 tons of humanitarian aid, consisting of water and canned food; basic necessities; medical supplies; equipment and tools; kitchen and hygiene kits; community tents; sanitary supplies; cots and mattresses, as well as electric plants and other items.   

So far, Mexico has received technical, financial or in-kind assistance from 27 countries and territories, and therefore reiterates its sincere thanks to Argentina, Bolivia, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, El Salvador, Germany, the Holy See, Honduras, Israel, Italy, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Panama, Peru, Russia, Spain, Switzerland, Taiwan, Turkey, the United Arab Emirates, the United States and Venezuela, as well as to the European Union and the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA).

In light of the invaluable acts of solidarity, Mexico thanks its friends around the world and reiterates its belief that only together can challenges such as the one facing our country today be overcome.   

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